Artists_55 Yun Jin Lee
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Yun Jin Lee

Artist Statement

Yun Gee Park’s jewelry explores and expands on traditional gemstone and pearl design in a thoughtful and often playful manner. She re-examines the materials and connotations of conventional designs, like the classic opera length pearl necklace, by introducing and integrating new and unusual materials and elements, such as meteorite, vintage toys, and Alaskan gold nuggets, with excellent quality colored gems and pearls.
An artist and gallerist, Ms. Park, is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) graduating with a BFA in painting. During her time at RISD she was selected to participate in the European Honors Program, and lived and studied in Rome for one year. She later attended Purdue University earning a Master’s degree in art. Though trained primarily as a painter, she has been most active in jewelry and interior design with national and international exhibitions of her work.